Subject: theory or belief Date: Tuesday, 9 May 2000 4:04 PM creationists would still tell you, evolution is just another belief (you can't see it blah, blah..) but frankly they boil my blood. The evidence is simply overwhelming. - the earth is very old - genes can get switched on or off to get ancestral types salamanders/axalotl insects (ancestral types had more legs) - parallel evolution octopus eye (backwards compared to ours) I think what really upsets me though is the blind fervour of the real hard-cases who do things like looking for Noah's Ark :- where did all the food go? where did all the plants go? where did all the shallow shore species and fish go (think about it) who repopulated the earth with plants to feed everybody when the flood went away how did they rescue things like kangaroos from places they'd never heard of It just seems to be a basic denial of ecology and the right to think, ps better try an learn some openGL I suppose