Subject: page Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 11:18 PM well, that is all nice and great, but i don't think you have any idea what you are talking about. how can you know what religion is all about when you have never truly believed in it? no, you don't have any idea what you are talking about. how does evolution explain life? not very well, i would say. the complexities of life created by random thoughts on this could fill volumes, and so cannot be fully presented here. but let me say this. the law of chances does not exist. it is simply a "law" we have devolped to understand why somethings happen less frequently than others, as our minds are not designed to understand science (they are designed to deal with simply living, as early man did, not theorizing) and the law of chances helps us to communicate that one thing will probably happen or not happen. there are things that are simply impossible. light will never simply slow down. one might say "it will, all things are possible" but it won't. the speed is constant, always, regardless. and so the argument that there are so many worlds and so much time that it had to happen some where is invalid--the chance of a lightning striking water with all of the right chemicals in the exact correct arangment, all with the correct (and complex, might i add) enzyme to decode the resulting RNA into an organism is impossible. completely. for one thing, there were no enzymes before there were organisms---but there were no organisisms before enzymes to decode their what came first, the enzyme or the cell? you cannot use science to understand the origins of the universe, as science is the study of the universe, and its laws, those laws cannot be applied outside of the universe. arguing that science alone can lead to understanding of reality is like arguing that knowing the rules of soccer qualifies you for a job in sociology--it is argued that the big bang created the universe, and that precurring big bangs created later ones. but there had to be a first big bang, and what created teh quarks to compress the atoms into the first big bang? science cannot explain this, as science's realm of authority begins immediatly after the first big bang. furthermore, what is conciesness? the electron theory cannot explain conciesness, as our brain should act like any other computer, simply taking information and processing it....but we have a window, a way of watching and even illogicaly altering the responses to this information. this, i beleive, is our soul. for more, please see my religion page at thank you for reading this, and hopefully my site